Going Online to Impact sales and marketing
Online sales, is your business missing out? As many as two million (39 %) sole traders and small companies are missing out on business because they have no online presence, in addition, more than half of customers go straight to search engines when looking to buy from local businesses, nearly double the number that ask for word- of- mouth recommendations. Those businesses not yet online will discover how the Internet is likely to transform their businesses and introduce them to markets far beyond those which are currently in reach.
The most amazing aspect of e-commerce is its ability to impact sales and marketing efforts immediately. By using e-commerce, suddenly a neighborhood bakery or a homebase consulting service expands its reach to a national, or even international base of potential customers. Not only is the internet increasing the number of potential customers that a company can reach, but it’s also driving profitability, according to most far from being an extra “expense,” internet operations boosted businesses’ bottom lines.
Of small businesses that sell online, 64 percent said the internet has increased their revenues or sales, 48 percent felt the internet helped to expand their geographic reach in the United States, and 73 percent saved money by decreasing administrative costs.
When you move your business online you can establish yourself on a level playing field with larger competitiors. On the Internet, even the smallest retailer can be as attractive and as functional as the largest big box store-without the need to have a physical presence on every street corner. We find that small shops have a “boutique” feel that attracts shoppers, who perceive smaller businesses as more distinctive than larger stores.
The study also found that small business owners who conduct business online feel it allows them to receive payments faster and conduct business easier. Cash flow is definately important to a new business-online or brick and mortor.